Saturday, July 9, 2016

100 Days Smarter

Since the first day of Term 1 we have been counting the days until we reached day 100. This has been a great way for us to learn about place value. Day 100 was on Friday 8th July. We had lots of fun celebrating being 100 days smarter. Instead of doing buddy reading we did buddy maths with Room 10. They came to our room with puzzles that they had made for us using numbers to 100. It was lots of fun solving the problems. Then we each decorated a cupcake with vanilla icing and 100s and 1000s. After that all the Juniors went to the hall. Each class had a chance to share how they had dressed up for the day. We found out that 3 children in the Juniors had been at school for all of the 100 days, and were very proud to find out that one was Lucy. No wonder she is so smart! Then it was time for 100 days fitness. We did 100 exercises in sets of 10. Finally we got to share out our cupcakes! There were enough for everyone to have one, including the teachers! They were delicious.
We all had a fabulous 100th day at school, and we are most certainly 100 days smarter!


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